"The Warmest Jacket In The World"
The famous "Big Red" Parka has been a staple of the US Antarctic Research Program (USARP) for decades now. Made by Canada Goose (and Snow Goose, their old brand name), they're rated for temperatures down to -100 degrees Fahrenheit.
This batch of "Big Red" Parkas was purchased at auction from USARP last year. Many of them had defects, holes and were incredibly dirty. We contracted the same manufacturer who produced The McGrath Bomber Jacket to clean and repair these parkas to the best of their ability.
That being said, many of these were not able to be saved. Therefore we have listed them in three condition grades: A, B and C. All three grades are in used condition but to varying degrees.
Grade A parkas will be in used condition but with no holes, broken zippers, tears or staining. They may have repairs present.
Grade B parkas will have minor defects such as small holes, staining, broken zippers and tears.
Grade C parkas will exhibit major staining, predominantly diesel fume stains from generators used by the USARP. They will also have smalls holes, broken zippers and tears.